This is what we like to call 'easy money'
Going someplace where they prefer $10s and $20s to credit cards and payment apps? No problem. You can use your TMB debit card to tap into your accounts and get quick cash at four convenient cash machine locations in Murray. Need to make a deposits or transfer funds? We also have three full-service ATM locations.
- Main TMB Office: 405 South 12th Street
- North TMB Office: 700 North 12th Street
- Hazel TMB Office: 405 Main Street
- Calloway County Judicial Building: North 4th Street
- Big Apple Café: 10th and Arcadia Circle
- Murray-Calloway County Hospital: 803 Poplar Street
The Murray Bank is a full-service financial institution with convenient locations for customers in Calloway County.

Invite the TMB Ice Cream Machine to your next event!
It's a real treat to serve our great community. The TMB Ice Cream Machine is available for community events – giving out free ice cream!